Monday, May 14, 2018

To VBAC or not to VBAC

My gynae has been asking me what is my preferred method to deliver my second child. My first thought was I wanted to try going for a normal delivery or better known as VBAC (Vaginal Birth after Cesarean) since I went through a Cesarean when I had Isaac. 

She said there are risks that I have to be aware off. Honestly, delivering a baby is a risk all mothers take regardless whether it is a normal delivery or a Cesarean. For some women, even being pregnant is risky. However, when she laid down the risks, I would not lie to myself that I had doubts about choosing VBAC. Adam? He decided it was too gory for him to think about it that I caught him playing with his phone while the Gynae was talking about the possibility of a uterine rupture. If you look at the image, yes scary! 

I also told my gynae I am open to the idea of Cesarean IF all fails. The most important thing is to get my baby out as well as me in one piece, with minimal damage. 

I will know what is my luck in delivering my second child in a couple of weeks. The waiting game has officially begun at 36 weeks plus. She is currently 2.2kg which is well above Isaac's weight at this very same week so whenever you are ready, girl. Remember, minimal pain for mommy please. 

note: I'm pretty sure that when Adam reads this post he would ask, "Are your sure you don't want to opt for an elective cesarean, bb?"